
Testing Some Boxes

The WooFramework, then engine that powers all WooThemes themes, comes bundled with a bunch of useful shortcodes for displaying buttons, notices, sharing tools and more. Below we're testing a few of the boxes, to showcase what they can do and how we use them. [box type="info"] This is an information box... keeping you informed...[/box] [box type="alert"]Alert! This is an alert box![/box] [box type="tick"]Yes... this is a tick info box... display a positive message here.[/box] [box type="download"]A download box... if you have a file you want...


The lost ruby of Egypt

Caleb stood before the pyramid, gazing up at the peek. The sun bore down on his leathered face at a hundred degrees. Caleb said a prayer, and made one last call to Gordon. Gordon, the technical guy, explained the layout of the pyramid. "Just don't get killed" Gordon said. So, with that uplifting comment, Caleb strode into the pyramid. It was easy going at first (except for the occasional arrow that almost knicked him) and he was following a...